Day 15: Abiding - The Heart of The Christian Life
How do I stay close to Jesus?

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
If I could pinpoint my number one desire for you to take from this study, it would be this: Stay closely connected to Jesus. (The biblical term is “abide.”) Abide in Him. Though I struggle in this area, with a bad habit of “doing my own thing,” my lifetime goal is to grow as close to Jesus as I possibly can.
Abiding is more than gaining knowledge. We can know the foundations for our faith and yet not know Jesus. Abiding is more than doing good deeds. A close relationship with Jesus is our highest priority. Good works will follow.
Jesus used a powerful metaphor to describe the relationship He desires with us: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
Here is the reality: We “branches” are completely dependent on the “vine,” which is Jesus, for support, vitality and productivity. Abiding applies to all aspects of life — including our thought lives, finances and relationships. We abide as we trust Jesus completely, speak with Him as a friend, and enjoy His presence, dwelling securely in His love, care and protection.
Be cautious of the trap that you have to do something first, before you can “abide.” Abiding is now, not future. Make staying close to Jesus your number one goal. Abide in Him!
Abiding means staying connected. How are you staying connected to Jesus? Ask someone how to be connected to Jesus.