
Know God and your life will be transformed

Daily Bread: Proverbs for Every Day

The Book of Proverbs can help you become wise.

Daily Bread: Proverbs for Every Day

My father died when I was only 10 years old. Praise God he knew the Lord intimately. He had received Christ at age 23. But it still didn’t make life easy for me. The man I looked up to for strength, support, and counsel was gone.

As I think back on my childhood with my father, there are several defining moments. But one of the most profound memories is from a cold winter’s morning in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was only 6 years old at the time. On that quiet morning, I awoke early and found my dad on his knees in his front office. He was hunched over a chair, wrapped in a blanket and reading a book. I could tell he was engrossed in its content. I quietly asked him, “What are you doing, Dad?”

He responded, “I’m reading the word of God in the book of Proverbs. There are 31 chapters – one for each day of the month. When you grow up, read one chapter every day. If you do, you will become a man of God.”

That morning has stuck with me for more than 65 years. And even now, long after my dad’s passing, I live by those words. Proverbs became my counselor and friend. I have relied on God’s wisdom and strength through this book, and have been blessed as a result. It is filled with divine principles for daily living. Every basic, fundamental issue you will face in your life is plainly addressed within its pages. Make this biblical book of Proverbs your friend!

Do you start your day with reading the Bible and prayer? If Jesus felt it was important to get away and pray... how much more should we?! Are you unsure of how to pray? Send a message to a caring Christian to learn more.

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