Daily Bread: The Complacency of Fools
Wisdom is available to everyone.

Would you know it if wisdom came knocking at your door? Take time to praise the Lord Jesus Christ for the sacrifice He made on the cross, making it possible to have wisdom and obtain forgiveness from our sinful ways.
Proverbs 1:20-33
For more than 55 years I have taken the proverbs to heart. When I have wisely chosen to obey implicitly, amazing results have followed. When I have foolishly chosen to ignore clearly revealed divine principles, I have paid the price. I have played the fool.
But there is hope. Although this section of Proverbs is quite stark (just meditate on verses 26 and 27 for a while), the passage actually opens by saying there is wisdom available to all. A spirit filled follower of Jesus Christ can learn vital lessons by simply looking at life – by simply opening their eyes (v.20). Just by watching the world you can learn amazing things!
You must meditate on what you see, through God’s eyes. If you don’t – if you stick to your simple ways (v 22) and reject God when He calls (v 24) – there are serious consequences.
When we open our eyes to what God has before us, the promise is incredible. We can’t ignore it. After rebuking the complacent fool, God almost explodes with joy. “If you only listen – you will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm” (v 33).
Don’t try to change it. It says what it says. Now go live by it.
Lord, open my eyes that I might live in your safety. I don’t want to play the fool any longer.
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