
Know God and your life will be transformed

Read the Bible in One Year

Jesse Bradley, the pastor of Grace Community Church and former soccer player, put together this year-long walk through the Bible, complete with a question or thought to consider every day. If you follow this plan, you'll read the whole Bible in one year! This is a great way to grow closer to God.

Read the Bible in One Year
Written by Jesse Bradley

If you would like to watch videos relating to this Bible plan, we have a playlist available for you on YouTube.

Day 1     Read John 1 :1-18     Start a conversation with someone about Jesus today
Day 2     Read Genesis 1-4    Stop trying to hide from God and return to Him. 
Day 3     Read Genesis 5-8     Spend time listening to God, then do what He says.
Day 4     Read Genesis 9-12     How can you bless someone from a different nation?
Day 5     Read Psalms 1-3     Spend extra time in God's word today.
Day 6     Read Genesis 13-16     Give God a tithe (10 percent) off the top for the rest of your life.
Day 7     Read Genesis 17-19     Remember what God has done that seemed impossible.
Day 8     Read Genesis 20-22     Make faithfulness your goal during a time of testing.
Day 9     Read Job 1-4     Worship God with all of your heart; don't be lukewarm.
Day 10     Read Job 5-8     Pour out your soul to God and give Him your burdens.
Day 11     Read Job 9-12     What are the works and mysteries about God that leave you in awe?
Day 12     Read Psalms 4-7     Wake up early to intentionally meet with God.
Day 13     Read Job 13-16     Comfort a friend with compassionate words.
Day 14     Read Job 17-20     Share with someone about eternal life in Jesus.
Day 15     Read Job 21-24     Teach a child about the love of God.
Day 16     Read Job 25-28     Turn from sin and honor the Lord.
Day 17     Read Job 29-32     How can your friendship with God grow?
Day 18     Read Job 33-36     Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
Day 19     Read Psalms 8-11     Enjoy time with God in nature and appreciate His creation.
Day 20     Read Job 37-39     Stop trying to do God's work in your own strength.
Day 21     Read Job 40-42     How do you need to humble yourself before God?
Day 22     Read Genesis 23-26     Visit someone who is aging or very ill.
Day 23     Read Genesis 27-30     Forgive the most difficult person to forgive.
Day 24     Read Genesis 31-34     How has God protected you?
Day 25     Read Genesis 35-38     Where is God leading you to go?
Day 26     Read Psalms 13-14     Trust God and let go of your worries.
Day 27     Read Genesis 39-42     Keep a healthy distance from hot temptations.
Day 28     Read Genesis 43-46     Pray for the success of three people who are serving God.
Day 29     Read Genesis 47-50     Help provide for someone who needs food.
Day 30     Read Exodus 1-3     Stop underestimating how God wants to use you.
Day 31     Read Exodus 4-6     Get rid of your excuses and share your faith.
Day 32     Read Exodus 7-9     Find someone who wants to serve the Lord with you.
Day 33      Read Psalms 15-19     Keep your word, even when it hurts.
Day 34     Read Exodus 10-12     Explain to someone how there is forgiveness because of Jesus.
Day 35     Read Exodus 13-15     Be still and ask God to win the battle; you need Him.
Day 36     Read Exodus 16-18     How has God provided for you in the wilderness?
Day 37     Read Exodus 19-21     Why did God give us the Ten Commandments?
Day 38     Read Exodus 22-24     Fast for one meal and seek God sincerely.
Day 39     Read Exodus 25-27     How is your light for the Lord shining where you live?
Day 40     Read Psalms 18-20     Let God search your heart and yield to Him fully.
Day 41     Read Exodus 28-30     How is Jesus the Lamb of God, who takes away our sins?
Day 42     Read Exodus 31-33     Linger in God's presence today.
Day 43     Read Exodus 34-37     How is God calling you to go the second mile?
Day 44     Read Exodus 38-40     Wait on God and make sure He is leading you.
Day 45     Read Leviticus 1-3     What is God calling you to do?
Day 46     Read Leviticus 4-6     How can you set an example for other people?
Day 47     Read Psalms 21-23    Share with someone why Jesus died on the cross. 
Day 48     Read Leviticus 7-9     How are you glorifying the Lord?
Day 49     Read Leviticus 10-12     Pray for your family and nation to honor God's holiness.
Day 50     Read Leviticus 13-15     If you are a follower of Jesus, you are a priest.
Day 51     Read Leviticus 16-18     Do not conform to the destructive patterns of this world.
Day 52     Read Leviticus 19-21     Choose integrity over shortcuts and slander.
Day 53     Read Leviticus 22-24     Invite someone to church and offer them a ride.
Day 54     Read Psalms 24-26     Pray with someone and seek God's face together.
Day 55     Read Leviticus 25-27     Open your home and serve a meal as you build relationships.
Day 56     Read Numbers 1-3     Pray for your entire family to know Jesus.
Day 57     Read Numbers 4-6     Pray for someone who is stressed to experience God's peace.
Day 58     Read Numbers 7-9     Ask God for courage to follow Him in a new way.
Day 59     Read Numbers 10-12     Multiply by finding someone who will encourage others to serve Jesus.
Day 60     Read Numbers 13-15     What are the new roles, possessions, territories, and victories God is giving you?
Day 61      Read Psalms 27-29     What are you waiting for and what posture are you taking?
Day 62     Read Numbers 16-18     Are you respecting leadership or are you in a complaining club?
Day 63     Read Numbers 19-21     What is the gospel and how are you sharing it?
Day 64     Read Numbers 22-24     How have you discovered your blind spots and how teachable are you?
Day 65     Read Numbers 25-27     How are you developing future leaders?
Day 66     Read Numbers 28-30     Who are you sharing God's Word with during the week?
Day 67     Read Numbers 31-33     Are you following God wholeheartedly?
Day 68     Read Psalms 30-32     When has God brought you joy after a difficult time?
Day 69     Read Numbers 34-36     How are you a servant leader who promotes justice?
Day 70     Read Deuteronomy 1-3     How can you serve with more teams instead of alone?
Day 71     Read Deuteronomy 4-6     How and what is God communicating with you?
Day 72     Read Deuteronomy 7-9     What happens when people take God for granted and lose reverence?
Day 73     Read Deuteronomy 10-12     How can you know if someone loves God?
Day 74     Read Deuteronomy 13-15     What are some popular idols in your country?
Day 75     Read Psalms 33-35   Are you willing to let God take away all of your shame?
Day 76     Read Deuteronomy 16-18     How generous are you toward the Lord?
Day 77     Read Deuteronomy 19-21     Why are negative attitudes so dangerous?
Day 78     Read Deuteronomy 22-24     How does God show compassion for people in need?
Day 79     Read Deuteronomy 25-27     How committed are you to integrity in all areas of life?
Day 80     Read Deuteronomy 28-30     How are obedience and blessings connected?
Day 81     Read Deuteronomy 31-34     What does it mean that God goes ahead of you?
Day 82     Read Psalms 36-38     How does God's faithfulness comfort you?
Day 83     Read Joshua 1-3     Why and how has God called you to be courageous?
Day 84     Read Joshua 4-6     How are you praying and setting an example for your nation?
Day 85     Read Joshua 7-9     How does hidden sin affect you and hold you back from victories?
Day 86     Read Joshua 10-12     When has God amazed you with His provision?
Day 87     Read Joshua 13-15     How has God moved you past your excuses?
Day 88     Read Joshua 16-18     Have you been procrastinating what the Lord wants you to do?
Day 89     Read Psalms 39-41     In what ways do you need God's help today?
Day 90     Read Joshua 19-21     Which specific promises of God encourage you?
Day 91     Read Joshua 22-24     What do you want to say to the youngest generation?
Day 92     Read Judges 1-3     How can you intentionally remember what God has done for you?
Day 93     Read Judges 4-6     Who has God brought into your life to serve with you?
Day 94     Read Judges 7-9     How can you lead by example?
Day 95     Read Judges 10-12     Get rid of any idols you still have in your life.
Day 96     Read Psalms 42-44     How can you overcome discouragement?
Day 97     Read Judges 13-15     Are you holding on to any bitterness or hatred?
Day 98     Read Judges 16-18     How are you protecting your purity?
Day 99     Read Judges 19-21     What questions are you asking God in prayer?
Day 100     Read Ruth 1-4     How do you need to express and live out loyalty?
Day 101     Read 1 Samuel 1-3     How often are you pouring your heart out to the Lord?
Day 102     Read 1 Samuel 4-6     How has the glory of God departed in your country?
Day 103     Read Psalms 45-47     Are you taking enough time to be still before God?
Day 104     Read 1 Samuel 7-9     How has God helped you in special ways along your journey?
Day 105     Read 1 Samuel 10-13     How can you support your leaders?
Day 106     Read 1 Samuel 14-16    What risks is God wanting you to take?
Day 107     Read 1 Samuel 17-19     How are you representing the Lord?
Day 108     Read 1 Samuel 20-22     How can you be a faithful friend this week?
Day 109     Read 1 Samuel 23-25     Are you listening closely in prayer for God's direction?
Day 110     Read Psalms 48-50     How has God delivered you?
Day 111     Read 1 Samuel 26-28     How can you be kind to someone who wrongs you?
Day 112     Read 1 Samuel 29-31     How can you help people who are considering suicide?
Day 113     Read 2 Samuel 1-3    How can you be a peacemaker with people who disagree with you?
Day 114     Read 2 Samuel 4-6    Has God ever provided after you waited for many years?
Day 115     Read 2 Samuel 7-9    How does God amaze you with His generosity?
Day 116     Read 2 Samuel 10-12     Does God want you to rebuke someone in a specific way?
Day 117     Read Psalms 51-53     Spend time in confession and receive God's grace.
Day 118     Read 2 Samuel 13-15     How can you encourage someone who has been sexually abused?
Day 119     Read 2 Samuel 16-18     How can you have more self-control in your reactions?
Day 120     Read 2 Samuel 19-21     How can God help you when people desert you?

Day 121     Read 2 Samuel 22-24     In what ways has God rescued you?
Day 122     Read 1 Kings 1-4     Help develop one future leader.
Day 123     Read Proverbs 1-3     Give the Lord ten percent off the top.
Day 124     Read Psalms 54-56     Spend an extended time praying today and lifting up your requests to God.
Day 125     Read Proverbs 4-6     What is God leading you to do?
Day 126     Read Proverbs 7-9     How can you spend more time savoring God's Word?
Day 127     Read Proverbs 10-12     Reject all procrastination and excuses.
Day 128     Read Proverbs 13-15     Commit to being more measured and wise with your words.
Day 129     Read Proverbs 16-18     Are you making plans without consulting the Lord?
Day 130     Read Proverbs 19-21     Speak truth even if there is a big price to pay.
Day 131     Read Psalms 57-59     How are you fulfilling God's purpose for your life?
Day 132     Read Proverbs 22-24     What habits and priorities does God want you to change?
Day 133     Read Proverbs 25-27     Redirect the gossiper and refuse to be part of the problem.
Day 134     Read Proverbs 28-31     Walk in integrity and apologize if you have been crooked with someone.
Day 135     Read Song of Solomon 1-4     Don't date someone or pursue a relationship when God is not in it.
Day 136     Read Song of Solomon 5-8    Diligently guard unity in your marriage.
Day 137     Read 1 Kings 5-11     How can you build up solid partnerships?
Day 138     Read Psalms 60-62     How can you increase your reliance on the Lord?
Day 139     Read Ecclesiastes 1-4     Are you trusting and aligning with God's timing?
Day 140     Read Ecclesiastes 5-8     Spend more time today listening to God.
Day 141     Read Ecclesiastes 9-12     How can you practice generosity today?
Day 142     Read 1 Kings 12-14     What conflict do you need to step back from now?
Day 143     Read 1 Kings 15-17    Find a mentor and follow their example.
Day 144     Read Psalms 63-65    How can you spread the love and good news of God to other nations?
Day 145     Read 1 Kings 18-20    Pray for your city and country to turn to Jesus.
Day 146     Read 1 Kings 21-22, 2 Kings 1     Humble yourself before God and drop all pride.
Day 147     Read 2 Kings 2-4     How does God want you to bring healing in your family and community?
Day 148     Read 2 Kings 5-7     Submit to godly advice even when you do not feel like doing it.
Day 149     Read 2 Kings 8-10     Do you need to ask anyone a difficult question?
Day 150     Read 2 Kings 11-14:25     How can you help repair and restore your church?
Day 151     Read Psalms 66-68     Spread the gospel to another nation.
Day 152     Read Jonah     Are you running away from God's call on your life?
Day 153     Read 2 Kings 14:26-29     Pray for your national leaders now.
Day 154     Read Amos 1-3     Is God leading you to a new role and way of serving Him?
Day 155     Read Amos 4-6     What is holding you back from fully returning to and following God?
Day 156     Read Amos 7-9     How does God's power inspire and rebuke you?
Day 157     Read 2 Kings 15-17     What are some consequences of choosing sin?
Day 158     Read 2 Kings 18-21     How can you earnestly seek God?
Day 159     Read Psalms 69-71     Thank God for 10 specific blessings in your life.
Day 160     Read 2 Kings 22-25     Read the Bible with someone this week.
Day 161     Read 1 Chronicles 1-3     Pray for your biological family every day.
Day 162     Read 1 Chronicles 4-6     Support someone who is serving the Lord.
Day 163     Read 1 Chronicles 7-9     When has God restored something you lost?
Day 164     Read 1 Chronicles 10-12     What is the best way to handle success?
Day 165     Read 1 Chronicles 13-16     Why is worship so important?
Day 166     Read Psalms 72-74     How does going to church change your perspective?
Day 167     Read 1 Chronicles 17-19    Which of God's promises has made a difference in your life?
Day 168     Read 1 Chronicles 20-22     Are you taking pride in your accomplishments and not giving God all the glory?
Day 169     Read 1 Chronicles 23-25     How can you serve your church family more?
Day 170     Read 1 Chronicles 26-29     Pray for people serving our nation in the military.
Day 171     Read 2 Chronicles 1-3     Ask God for wisdom and insights so you make good decisions.
Day 172     Read 2 Chronicles 4-6     How do you know that God is good?
Day 173     Read Psalms 75-77     What are your favorite Bible passages and how do they encourage you?
Day 174     Read 2 Chronicles 7-9    Seek God's face and repent from all sin.
Day 175     Read 2 Chronicles 10-12    What areas of your life need to be strengthened and fortified?
Day 176     Read 2 Chronicles 13-15    Don't give in to the temptation to quit.
Day 177     Read 2 Chronicles 16-18     What does it look like to fear the Lord?
Day 178     Read 2 Chronicles 19-22     How can you turn people away from lies and rebellion?
Day 179     Read Joel 1-3, Obadiah     Intentionally fast and seek God this week.
Day 180     Read Psalms 78-80     Are you making any unhealthy demands of God with an attitude of entitlement?
Day 181     Read 2 Chronicles 23-26:8     Trust God in your battles. He has the power to overcome all that stands against you.
Day 182     Read Isaiah 1-3     What temptations often come with prosperity?
Day 183    Read Isaiah 4-6 and 2 Chronicles 26:9-23     How does God's holiness affect your daily decisions?
Day 184     Read 2 Chronicles 27-29     Who is a young leader that you can disciple or affirm?
Day 185     Read 2 Chronicles 30-32     What rituals does God want you to do during the year?
Day 186     Read Isaiah 7-9     What is the significance of God's names in the Bible?
Day 187     Read Psalms 81-83     How can you provide for and defend the cause of the fatherless?
Day 188     Read Isaiah 10-12     How is the Holy Spirit working in your life?
Day 189     Read Isaiah 13-15     How can you protect infants in our culture?
Day 190     Read Isaiah 16-18     How can you guide people in your neighborhood and workplace to connect with their Maker?
Day 191     Read Isaiah 19-21     How can you get people's attention through your actions and point people to God in a busy world?
Day 192     Read Isaiah 22-24     How does God humble people?
Day 193     Read Isaiah 25-27     How can you experience more of God's peace?
Day 194     Read Psalms 84-86     In what ways are you joyfully serving other people during the day?
Day 195     Read Isaiah 28-30     Why do so many people turn to alcohol?
Day 196     Read Isaiah 31-33     What are some solutions when you are spiritually dry?
Day 197     Read Isaiah 34-36     On what do you base your confidence?
Day 198     Read Isaiah 37-39     When has God given you a second chance and extended your window of opportunity?
Day 199     Read Isaiah 40-42     Who needs God's comfort today and how can you bring compassion to them?
Day 200     Read Isaiah 43-45     How can parents best help their kids to know and love the Lord?
Day 201     Read Psalms 87-90     How can you spread the message of God's love and faithfulness?
Day 202     Read Isaiah 46-48     Why does God not share His glory with another?
Day 203     Read Isaiah 49-51     How is God expanding your vision?
Day 204     Read Isaiah 52-54    How often do you share good news about God with other people?
Day 205     Read Isaiah 55-57    Why do people reject God's grace?
Day 206     Read Isaiah 58-60    What is the purpose of fasting?
Day 207     Read Isaiah 61-63     How are you serving your city?
Day 208     Read Psalms 91-93     How has God protected you over the years?
Day 209     Read Isaiah 64-66     How does God reveal Himself to people?
Day 210     Read Hosea 1-3     What does it mean to be in God's family and belong to Him?
Day 211     Read Hosea 4-6     How can you avoid a shallow relationship with God?
Day 212     Read Hosea 7-9     Why does God set up justice and hold people accountable?
Day 213     Read Hosea 10-12     Are you depending on your own strength instead of God?
Day 214     Read Hosea 13-14 and Micah 1     How has God cared for you in your bleakest moments?
Day 215     Read Psalms 94-96     Are you looking for opportunities to share your faith each day?
Day 216     Read Micah 2-4     Who can you bring to church with you?
Day 217     Read Micah 5-7     How does God want you to live out your faith?
Day 218     Read Nahum 1-3     How have you seen that God is slow to anger?
Day 219     Read 2 Chronicles 33-34, Zephaniah 1     In what ways are you complacent in your faith?
Day 220     Read Zephaniah 2-3     Do you resist the fact that the Lord delights in you?
Day 221     Read Habakkuk 1-3     What are you asking God to do in this generation?
Day 222     Read Psalms 97-99     When was the last time you shouted for joy to the Lord?
Day 223     Read Jeremiah 1-3     What excuses are you using to shrink back from obedience?
Day 224     Read Jeremiah 4-6     Why are you refusing to repent?
Day 225     Read Jeremiah 11-12, 26     How has God prepared you for this moment and grown your capacity?
Day 226     Read Jeremiah 7-9     Take time to share your deepest sorrows with the Lord.
Day 227     Read Jeremiah 10, 14-15     Why has our culture lost reverence for God in so many areas?
Day 228     Read Jeremiah 16-18     How is God shaping you like a potter with clay?
Day 229     Read Psalms 100-102     Stop talking negatively about people who are not in the room.
Day 230     Read Jeremiah 19-20, 35     How is God's word like a fire?
Day 231     Read Jeremiah 36, 45, 25     When is it wise to keep a secret?
Day 232     Read Jeremiah 46-49     How does your pride deceive you?
Day 233     Read Jeremiah 13, 22-23     How does God want to transform you?
Day 234     Read Jeremiah 24, 27-28     What is your plan to know God better?
Day 235     Read Jeremiah 29, 50-51    When have you seen God restore someone's life?
Day 236     Read Psalms 103-105    How is honoring God linked to His great love?
Day 237     Read Jeremiah 30-33    Worship God and let go of your fears.
Day 238     Read Jeremiah 21, 34, 37     How does God encourage prisoners?
Day 239     Read Jeremiah 38-39, 52     How have you seen God bring an advocate to someone who was mistreated?
Day 240     Read Jeremiah 40-42     Be as bold as God wants you to be.
Day 241     Read Jeremiah 43-44, Lamentations 1     Sin provokes God to anger.
Day 242     Read Lamentations 2-5     How does God's love sustain you?
Day 243     Read Psalms 106-108     Come clean before the Lord and own your rebellion.
Day 244     Read 2 Chronicles 36:1-8 & Daniel 1-3     What is God teaching you?
Day 245     Read Daniel 4-6     How can you tell more people about what God has done in your life?
Day 246     Read Daniel 7-9     Spend some time today praying for your city.
Day 247     Read Daniel 10-12     How can you persevere in prayer and be intentional with your time?
Day 248     Read 2 Chronicles 36:9-21 & Ezekiel 1-3     How would you describe the glory of God?
Day 249     Read Ezekiel 4-6     When and how have you had to give a warning to people?
Day 250     Read Psalms 109-111     What role has fasting played in your relationship with God?
Day 251     Read Ezekiel 7-9     How does rebellion lead to calamities?
Day 252     Read Ezekiel 10-12     How can you help people who are wandering away from the Lord?
Day 253     Read Ezekiel 13-16     How do you respond to false prophets and people who spread lies?
Day 254     Read Ezekiel 17-20     What can you learn from other people's mistakes?
Day 255     Read Ezekiel 21-24     What is spiritual adultery and prostitution?
Day 256     Read Ezekiel 25-28     Are you trying to take God's place in any ways?
Day 257     Read Psalms 112-114     Practice generosity with someone today.
Day 258     Read Ezekiel 29-32     Why does God want to destroy idols?
Day 259     Read Ezekiel 33-36     Spend time praying for pastors today.
Day 260     Read Ezekiel 37-40     How is the Holy Spirit directing and changing you?
Day 261     Read Ezekiel 41-44     When have you helped someone return to God?
Day 262     Read Ezekiel 45-48     How can you be an advocate for justice and equality?
Day 263     Read 2 Chronicles 36:22-22 & Ezra 1-3     How is the Holy Spirit directing and changing you?
Day 264     Read Psalms 115-117     How can you give God more glory for the good things in your life?
Day 265     Read Ezra 4 & Haggai 1-2     How do you respond to people who try to discourage you?
Day 266     Read Zechariah 1-3    Who can you invite over to your house for a meal?
Day 267     Read Zechariah 4-6    How strong are your spiritual and family foundations?
Day 268     Read Zechariah 7-9    How are you showing God's mercy to people?
Day 269     Read Zechariah 10-12     How is God providing for you, and how are you thanking Him?
Day 270     Read Zechariah 13-14     What are some of the reasons you look forward to Jesus' return?
Day 271     Read Psalms 118-119:6     God does not want you to have a spirit of defeat, so let it go.
Day 272     Read Ezra 5-7     Who can you write a letter to and encourage today?
Day 273     Read Ezra 8-10     What does public repentance look like and why is it important?
Day 274     Read Esther 1-3     What opportunities is God placing before you to walk by faith?
Day 275     Read Esther 4-6     What fasting and risk-taking does God want you to take?
Day 276     Read Esther 7-10     Have you ever seen someone plan something cruel, but it backfired?
Day 277     Read Nehemiah 1-3     Bring your sadness to the Lord.
Day 278     Read Psalm 119:17-72     How are you overcoming temptations?
Day 279     Read Nehemiah 4-6     How can you support people who are poor?
Day 280     Read Nehemiah 7-9     Spend as much time as you can today in God's word and read it with other people too.
Day 281     Read Nehemiah 10-13     How can you be more faithful to God?
Day 282     Read Malachi     Are you bringing a tenth of your income to God through your church?
Day 283     Read Matthew 1-3     How can you earnestly seek God every day?
Day 284     Read Matthew 4-7     Who are you fishing for and how are you reaching them?
Day 285     Read Psalm 119:73-120     Be eager to praise God publically and fearlessly.
Day 286     Read Matthew 8-10     What is the cost of following Jesus for you?
Day 287     Read Matthew 11-13     What is the purpose of the Sabbath?
Day 288     Read Matthew 14-16     How does Jesus' call on your life amaze you?
Day 289     Read Matthew 17-19     Why is faith so important, and what victories does it bring?
Day 290     Read Matthew 20-22     Serve and get to know your neighbors.
Day 291     Read Matthew 23-25     How do you know we are getting closer to Christ's return?
Day 292     Read Psalm 119:121-176     Be eager to praise God publicly and fearlessly.
Day 293     Read Matthew 26-28     What is Jesus' purpose for you?
Day 294     Read Mark 1-4     Start a new habit of deep prayer times in the morning.
Day 295     Read Mark 5-8     How is Jesus inviting you into His work?
Day 296     Read Mark 9-12    How are you living out servant leadership?
Day 297     Read Mark 13-15    Does anyone know when Jesus will return?
Day 298     Read Luke 1-4    What is the evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, and how can you share the good news?
Day 299     Read Psalms 120-122     How can you lean into God's strength more during the day?
Day 300     Read Luke 5-8     What is Jesus calling you to leave behind as you follow Him?
Day 301     Read Luke 9-12     What does Jesus want you to pray for now?
Day 302     Read Luke 13-16    Will most people accept Jesus' offer of salvation?
Day 303     Read Luke 17-20     How can you help children experience and walk closely with Jesus?
Day 304     Read Luke 21-24     It is a sin if you refuse to forgive someone, so let go of bitterness and revenge.
Day 305     Read John 1-3     How can you be more about Jesus and less focused on yourself?
Day 306     Read Psalms 123-125     What has God helped you escape?
Day 307     Read John 4-6     How has Jesus healed you?
Day 308     Read John 7-9     How are you tempted to rush ahead of God's timing, or to procrastinate?
Day 309     Read John 10-12     Who is hurting that you can enter in and weep with them?
Day 310     Read John 13-15     Shift from discouragement to trusting God.
Day 311     Read John 16-18     Are you very teachable, leadable, and sensitive to the Holy Spirit's promptings?
Day 312     Read John 19-21     Who is a widow that you can care for this week?
Day 313     Read Psalms 126-128     Are you letting God write the script, or are you doing your own thing?
Day 314     Read Acts 1-4     How can you pray more out loud and with other people?
Day 315     Read Acts 5:1-8:3     Commit to living with full integrity, and stop telling any type of lies.
Day 316     Read Acts 8:4-11:18     How much persecution of Christians is happening in the world in this generation?
Day 317     Read Acts 11:19-14:28     Pray for people who are in prison and prison ministries.
Day 318     Read James     Ask God for wisdom for your upcoming decisions.
Day 319     Read Galatians     What does it mean to find your identity in the Lord?
Day 320     Read Psalms 129:131     What is God teaching you about waiting well?
Day 321     Read Acts 15-17:10     What group of people is God calling you to help?
Day 322     Read Philippians     Turn your fears and worries into prayers, which lead to peace.
Day 323     Read 1 Thessalonians     In what ways are you grieiving the Holy Spirit?
Day 324     Read 2 Thessalonians & Acts 17:11-18:11     What kind of work ethic does God want you to have?
Day 325     Read 1 Corinthians 1-3     How can you spread the gospel to more people?
Day 326     Read 1 Corinthians 4-7     How can you pursue sexual purity and honor the Lord?
Day 327     Read Psalms 132-134    How can you pursue greater unity in your church?
Day 328     Read 1 Corinthians 8:1-11:1    Are you serving God with all of your strength?
Day 329     Read 1 Corinthians 11:2-14:40    Ask God to fill you with His love.
Day 330     Read 1 Corinthians 15-16     How many of your closest friends are on fire for God?
Day 331     Read 2 Corinthians 1-5     How is God comforting you, and who can you comfort?
Day 332     Read 2 Corinthians 6-9     You will reap what you sow, therefore be generous with God and people.
Day 333     Read 2 Corinthians 10-13     How does God work through your weaknesses?
Day 334     Read Psalms 135-137     Spend several minutes simply giving thanks to God each day.
Day 335     Read Acts 18:12-19:41 and Ephesians 1-2     What are the ways you are blessed through Jesus?
Day 336     Read Ephesians 3-6     How can you guard unity in your church and family?
Day 337     Read Romans 1-3     How are we made righteous?
Day 338     Read Romans 4-6     What promises of God are you holding onto in difficult times?
Day 339     Read Romans 7-9     How does the Holy Spirit help you in prayer?
Day 340     Read Romans 10-12     How does the world try to squeeze you into its patterns and values?
Day 341     Read Psalms 138-140     Is God's love the basis of your self-esteem?
Day 342     Read Romans 13-16     Do you need to distance yourself from anyone?
Day 343     Read Acts 20-22     Do you believe giving is better than receiving, and if so, how?
Day 344     Read Acts 23-25     How can you testify about Jesus where you live, work, learn and play?
Day 345     Read Acts 26-28     Ask God for more boldness and opportunities.
Day 346     Read Colossians     How can you honor your parents and/or be kind to your children?
Day 347     Read Hebrews 1-4     Who can you build up spiritually
Day 348     Read Psalms 141-143     How can you wisely guard your words more often?
Day 349     Read Hebrews 5-8     In what specific ways is God calling you to submit to Him and other people?
Day 350     Read Hebrews 9-11     Who are some of your heroes in the faith?
Day 351     Read Hebrews 12-13, Titus     How is discipline and rebuking part of true love?
Day 352     Read Philemon     How can you be more active in sharing your faith?
Day 353     Read 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy     Why is Scripture reliable, and what does it accomplish in your life?
Day 354     Read 1 Peter     How is suffering part of your calling?
Day 355     Read Psalms 144-146     How would you describe God's character?
Day 356     Read 1 John     How can you initiate love with people God has brought into your life?
Day 357     Read 2 Peter, 2 John, 3 John, Jude    How does knowing this world won't last change your life and priorities?
Day 358     Read Revelation 1-4    How does listening to Jesus help you overcome obstacles and persevere? 
Day 359     Read Revelation 5:1-8:5    There will be people from every nation in heaven, so let's unite more now.
Day 360     Read Revelation 8:6-11:19     Resist sin that wants to master you because there is hope and freedom in Jesus.
Day 361     Read Revelation 12-13     Sometimes the circumstances will not change, but remember God's grace is sufficient.
Day 362     Read Psalms 147-150     What is the purpose of angels, and how do they glorify God?
Day 363     Read Revelation 14-16     How can you bring God more glory?
Day 364     Read Revelation 17-19     What will Jesus look like when He returns?
Day 365     Read Revelation 20-22     What is the devil's destiny, and how does that encourage you?

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