Your Finances and God's Promises
Many passages in the Bible talk about giving our money and other possessions given to us by God back to God.

In many passages of the Bible where it talks about giving our money (and other possessions given to us by God) back to God, He always adds a promise to it. He doesn’t have to do that! Because He is God He could just say, “Do this because I say so – that’s why.” But He doesn’t. He is loving and good, and He chooses to bless us when we obey Him.
While we do not respond to God’s command in order to gain a personal benefit, let’s examine the promises He makes to us when we are faithful in our giving.
Look up Proverbs 3:9-10.
The first lesson in these verses is that we honor the Lord with our wealth. Why? To express gratitude for all He has given us. This honors Him, and we do it because we love Him. We also see that God requires our “firstfruits.” That means we set aside our giving for Him right when we first receive, not out of our leftovers.
What is His promise? Just look at verse 10. The promise is His mighty blessings to us in return.
Now look up 2 Corinthians 9:6-12.
Notice the promise: When you give generously, you will receive abundantly. He will supply and increase your “store of seed.” You will be made rich in every way so that you may be generous every chance you get. It’s your generosity that will spark others to thank God, and that brings glory to God.
Also look up Philippians 4:11-13.
Paul says that he learned to be content, whether he was living in need or in abundance. We also must learn to be content with Jesus Christ, no matter what our circumstances. But the Lord loves to provide in abundance. As we learn to give joyfully and generously, we learn great contentment.
God’s promise, as Paul experienced it firsthand, is that we can do all things through Him, because He Himself is our strength.
Please dig further into God’s Word on the subject of financial giving. He has much to say about the subject! Make notes. Write things down. Talk to the Lord. When you obey Him with your finances, He notices. God sees your heart and is blessed.
Do you find it difficult to trust Jesus when you have a great need? When you have a time of abundance, do you generiously help others? What's going on in your life financially? Talk to a caring Christian about it.
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