Weekly Devotional

5 Shocking Proofs of Jesus' Resurrection

How can we know for sure that Jesus Christ really did rise from the dead? Is this just a myth or some clever fable that a group of people made up? Or is there evidence that this is indeed the truth?

5 Shocking Proofs of Jesus' Resurrection
Written by Allen Parr on 04/12/2021

Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.

Luke 24:5-7

I want to give you five undeniable reasons why you must believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The first reason is because of the precautions of the Romans. 

You must understand that the Romans heard rumors that the disciples were going to steal the body of Jesus Christ and say that He rose from the dead (Matthew 27:63, 64). In order to prevent this from happening they did three things. First, they put what's called a “guard” around the tomb (Matthew 27:65). A guard was a group of ten to thirty soldiers who were highly trained to protect this tomb and guard it with their lives. The second thing they did was to put a stone around the opening of the tomb (Matthew 27:66). This stone weighed close to three thousand pounds. This hindered anyone who wanted to come in or get out. The third thing they did is put a Roman seal around this stone such that if anyone broke this seal they were punished by death. It is highly unlikely that the disciples could break in, steal the body of Jesus Christ, and claim that He rose from the dead. 

The second reason is because of the faith of the disciples. 

We have to consider that right before Jesus was crucified, this group of disciples were cowards (Mark 14:50). But as soon as He rose from the dead, they turned into fearless preachers who were ready and willing to be beaten, burned, beheaded, sawed into two, stoned, and crucified. The question we have to ask is why would this group of people be willing to risk their very lives for something they knew deep in their hearts was a lie?

The third reason is because of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances. 

One of the most convincing proofs is that the Bible says after his sufferings, He gave many convincing proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days (Acts 1:3). The Apostle Paul goes on to say that Jesus appeared to over five hundred people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:6). When he was writing this letter he essentially told his readers "Hey if you don't believe me, go and speak to the people who saw Him for themselves because most of them are still alive today!" So, to say that Jesus really didn't rise from the dead would suggest that all of these hundreds of people were either crazy or hallucinating which is highly unlikely.

Reason number four is that secular history confirms it. 

It would be one thing if the Bible were the only book that recorded the miracle of the resurrection, but other secular history books record the same thing. First of all, it's recorded by a man named Josephus who was a Jewish non-Christian historian. Second of all, it was recorded by a man named Thomas Arnold who wrote the history of Rome. What makes these testimonies even stronger is that they were written by non-Christians who were seeking to be trustworthy historians, which means they had to report the truth whether they liked it or not. More recently people like Frank Morrison, Lee Strobel, and Josh McDowell - all professed atheists - sought to disprove the reality of the resurrection. But as they dug into it and researched it, they found that it was the undeniable truth! Eventually, all of them converted to Christianity.

And reason number five was that the missing body of Jesus Christ was never found. 

If Jesus never rose from the dead, then His body would have still been in the grave. All the Romans needed to do was simply produce the body of Jesus Christ to show it was a lie that Jesus rose from the dead, thus destroying Christianity forever. But the very fact that they could not produce the body is proof in and of itself that this miraculous event did occur in history.

I hope this not only gives you more confidence about what you believe as a Christian, but also gives you more ammunition to silence those who are skeptical about the Christian faith.

Used with permission by Global Media Outreach from Allen Parr. This article was first published as a video on The Beat.

Pray this week:

Lord,You are the Resurrection and the Life. You tell us that whoever believes in You, even though he dies, he shall live. I believe in You.

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