Weekly Devotional

Come to God with a Childlike Faith

Why does God tell us to come to Him?

Come to God with a Childlike Faith
Written by Sherry Shepherd on 06/26/2023
Tags: Faith, Trust

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying,“Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:1-4

Recently, my son and daughter-in-law’s black lab, Jax, didn’t return home. They live in the country, so it wasn’t uncommon for Jax to visit neighbors, steal their cat’s food, drink water from the Koi pond, and chase birds in the creek. Everyone knew Jax. He was a local favorite, often showing up on the community Facebook page.

He was my son’s first hunting dog and best friend for over ten years. He became part of the family when he and his wife wed. When they had children, Jax was the protector and playmate of the kids. He let them dress him up, crawl, and even lay on him. Jax was family and was very loved. So everyone went to look for him the night he didn’t come home. As it got dark, hope diminished, and fear set in.  

I called my daughter-in-law for an update, and my three-year-old grandson said, “Nana, my Jax is missing.” Oh, my heart hurt for him. After telling him how sorry I was that Jax was not home yet, I asked him if he wanted to pray. He said, “You pray, Nana.” As I prayed for Jax to come home safely, my grandson prayed with me, repeating my words. When I had finished praying, he prayed, too. It was such a sweet moment. After we were done, he returned to playing as if nothing was wrong. Later that night, Jax came home.  

I wish I could say that everything worked out from there. Unfortunately, a week later, Jax had to be put to sleep because they discovered he had blood in his lungs. But God answered our prayers for Jax to come home. It gave everyone a chance to love on him and tell him goodbye. 

I share this story for two reasons. First, once we prayed for Jax to come home, my grandson returned to playing. It made me realize that, for him, it was over. He prayed, and now it was time to get back to playing. He believed God would answer His prayer and that his Mommy and Daddy would find Jax.  

How often do I pray, ask God to answer a prayer, and then go back to worrying about what I just prayed for? How often do I come to Jesus with complete trust that He will handle my life and prayers? Children are so innocent. Often, they have not been hurt by the things of this world. Therefore, they have no reason to distrust anyone. That is the kind of faith we are to have in Jesus. We know Christ is to be trusted. We know that He is working on our behalf and for our good. So even when difficulties and struggles occur, we need to believe the knowledge we have and rest in God’s trustworthiness. 

So why, then, do we doubt?

As humans, we hate suffering. We don’t want to go through it or see others suffer. So, when we prayed for Jax to come home, we didn’t think he would end up dying a week later. But he did. So, you may ask, “If Jax died, then isn’t God unfair, indifferent, or spiteful?” Why did He answer my grandson’s prayer to bring Jax home if He knew he would die anyway? When Jax came home, the entire family got to show love to him and say their goodbyes. It gave them precious time and closure.  

Sometimes, God doesn’t answer how we want or hope when we pray. But that doesn’t mean his character has changed. 

Perhaps that is where our doubt comes in. We want happiness, joy, peace, healing, and health. But God sees the big picture. He knows how every little thing works together for good. And because His character is unchangeable, He is always good and kind, just and loving. We only need to go to His Word to remember who He is. God is the ultimate teacher, Savior, and Friend. When He is quiet or silent in our pain and confusion, we must fall back on what we know about Him. Our feelings can lead us astray and cause our faith to waver.

So how do we come to God in childlike faith? 

James 1:12 "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

  • Stay in God’s Word, the Bible. The Bible gives us the wisdom to navigate life’s difficulties. 
  • Come to Jesus, humble and trusting. When we pray to Jesus for something, we must leave it with Him and cease worrying about it. We can do that because we know God’s ways are always best. He is accomplishing His will through us.
  • We are not to behave in childish ways but rather have the childlike faith children have. 
  • Jesus told the children to come to Him. Likewise, we need to go to Him. Rest in Him. 
  • Remember that Christ experienced every hurt and injustice we could face. He understands your pain and wants you to know He grieves and is there for you.
  • Trust God that while you may not understand why He allows certain things in your life, He sees the big picture. We only see a small part of His plan.
  • Pray Scripture when you don’t know what to pray. 

Finally, remember that while your children may not understand, you still make them go to bed on time and eat their vegetables, etc., because you love them and know what’s best for them. You have wisdom they do not yet have. It is the same with your heavenly Father. He has the understanding we do not possess. He is acting in love toward us for our own good. Therefore, you can trust Him.

Pray this week:

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us this beautiful picture of how we can come to you with childlike faith, completely trusting you with our lives and problems.

Can you think of a time that God asked you to trust Him? You can connect with a caring volunteer below who will be able to help!

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