Does Prayer Make a Difference?
Prayer makes a difference, and it’s best if you use both channels: talking and listening.

Then the king said to me, “What are you requesting?” So I prayed to the God of heaven. …. And the king granted me what I asked, for the good hand of my God was upon me.
By Colin Milar
If you look at the verses above, one of the shortest prayers mentioned in the Bible made a huge difference, and Nehemiah received everything he needed to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in just 53 days! In Nehemiah’s case, his short prayer for help in mid-sentence of answering King Artaxerxes’ question: “What is your request?” is a beautiful picture of what God calls us to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:17: “Pray without ceasing.” Nehemiah prayed in the midst of a conversation because he knew, by faith, that his heart cry would make a difference.
God talks to us!
We were visiting some dear friends a number of years ago who had twin daughters, and we were building a ropes course amongst some large trees. I was balancing on the first rope six feet up, twisting and tightening the rope above me with a screwdriver. Suddenly, it sprung out of my hand and spun through the air, landing somewhere buried in the thick leaves. At the same time, I lost my balance and fell on my back safely in the blanket of leaves.
I stood up saying, “Children, let’s look for the screwdriver!” After 5 minutes of fruitless searching, 3-year-old Christopher tapped me on the knee saying: “Daddy we need to pray!” I responded: “Let’s just find the screwdriver, son!” Another 3 minutes, no screwdriver, and a much more insistent: “Daddy we need to pray!”
The Holy Spirit zapped my heart. I dropped to my knees beside my son, saying: “I’m so sorry son! Yes, of course we need to pray! Come, children, let’s join hands.”
Christopher simply said, “Jesus, You know where our screwdriver is. Please show us, in Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”
I stood up, stepped back, and under my foot was the screwdriver.
Is there a project, a problem, or a promise you are working on without success? And without prayer? There is nothing too small nor too large about which our Father is longing for you to ask His help. God had to send my son twice in order for me to listen and then hear, but I assure you, He is ever standing at the door of your heart, knocking and waiting for you to hear and invite Him in. (Revelation 3:20)
Just sit back, be still, and bring that situation before Him right now and remember: “Daddy we need to pray!”
Pray this week:
Oh Lord, will You make me obedient to your Great Commission?
One of God’s best ways through which He teaches us to pray is when we “go and make disciples.” (Matthew 28:19) God has used my growing friendship with Curtis Sergeant to thrust me into the high adventure of obediently living out the Great Commission. You could share this with your online friends with our Facebook sharing button below. God can take your little bit of obedience to His Word and bring life-transforming impact to hundreds of other people’s lives.
If you, like me, have or do struggle with being obedient to God’s Great Commission, watch Curtis’s 30 minute message on immediate, radical and costly obedience. I confess that my obedience to making multiplying disciples only came after a six-year delay from when I first attended the Steve Smith Training for Trainers to make multiplying disciples.
Will you ask this question to someone every day this week?: "If there was one thing we could pray now for you personally, what would it be?"
Commit to ask this question of one person a day, then pray for them out loud right on the spot and you will see how prayer makes a difference!