How to Get Jesus’ Resurrection Power
When all hope is lost and you are ready to give up, how can the power of the resurrection help you find hope again?

What is this conversation that you are holding with each other as you walk?
When all hope is lost and you are ready to give up, how can the power of the resurrection help you find hope again?
When Hope Dies
Easter is only a few days away for many of us. Perhaps more than ever before in your life, you might be feeling fear and despair like the disciples did when Jesus was killed. Have you ever felt like all hope is gone and there is nothing that can ever bring it back? Jesus’ disciples despaired of their hope after they watched Him die on the cross. They were fearful. You may be fearful, too, today as you see more trouble around you than you believe you can overcome. But Sunday is coming! Easter, Resurrection Day, is coming — both in the verses we are reading and also for our lives. How can we change our focus from the bad things of our lives to the good things? We can learn from Jesus, just like two disciples did the morning He rose victorious over death.
Seeing Through ‘Chance’ Encounters
As these two walked along the road talking to each other, someone suddenly appeared beside them, walking with them! He asked them what they were talking about so seriously. They were surprised! This man did not know about the crucifixion of Jesus? To their further surprise, this Man they did not recognize (Luke 24:16) — Jesus — began telling them what the Bible said about the Messiah. They listened with great interest. Later they would say their hearts “burned” as He spoke (Luke 24:32). From the Old Testament scriptures, He told them about Himself.
Did Jesus remind them how the Tabernacle itself was a picture of Himself? He would be the sacrifice burned on the altar for sin. His word would be the water by which they were cleansed. He would be the Menorah that brought light to the world (John 8:12). He would be the Bread of Life (John 6:35). He said, just before He raised Lazarus, that He IS the “resurrection” (John 11:25), and life (John 14:6). He certainly must have reminded them of Isaiah 7:14, where the prophet said Messiah would be “Immanuel” — God with us! The disciples invited Him to come to their home for the evening meal.
Jesus also tells you from the Bible who He is and what He wants to do in your life today. This Easter, focus your attention on the miracle of the resurrection. Jesus is the “first among many” (Romans 8:29), meaning He wants many to share the victory of His resurrection, too.
Hope Victorious
Jesus opened the eyes of these two disciples as He broke the bread at the table (Luke 24:30-31). How can He do the same for us today? In both Ezekiel 3:3 and Revelation 10:10, we read of a scroll being given to the prophet, and the prophet being told to eat it. A whole loaf of bread is not something we want to eat at one meal. But taking a small bite and chewing it is pleasant to us. The whole Bible at one time is difficult to read and understand. We take smaller bites, however, and understanding comes much easier.
Jesus’ resurrection power is available to you today, in a world that is growing dark. He wants to be light through your life. Jesus wants to talk with you today from the Bible. Do you hear Him there?
Pray this week:
Lord Jesus, please open my eyes so I can see You and the beauty of the plan You have given to us in Your word. Amen.
What is one thing you would like Jesus to explain to you from the Bible?