Weekly Devotional

How to Honor God as You Overcome Corruption

God's presence, power, and promises are key to enduring and rising above the challenges in your life. God is with you, His power is real, and His promises are dependable.

How to Honor God as You Overcome Corruption
Written by Jesse Bradley on 08/03/2021

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

How do you respond when you experience corruption in your community, workplace, or nation? Why is there so much injustice in our world?

Is there a way to overcome evil and authoritarianism while still respecting God? Let's consider what God says about these important topics.

The Reality Of Sin and Corruption

Corruption is a form of selfishness and rebellion against God. It can damage a country, a city, a family, and a soul. When the leadership of a nation is unhealthy, the people  suffer.  It can be very difficult to watch the effects of injustice, tyranny, and arrogance. The Bible often warns us that corruption will be widespread. Many have chosen to follow a path of corruption and become slaves to it (2 Peter 2:19). When people reject the Holy Spirit, they choose corruption (Galatians 6:8). Be alert as many false teachers and people who claim to be Christians actually sow seeds of corruption (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). Creation itself is part of a fallen world that includes human corruption (Romans 8:21). Habakkuk is a prophet in the Old Testament who had an honest conversation with God about the corruption he saw in the world. He cried out to God about the obvious injustice and cruelty. Have you been praying to God for wisdom and strength to overcome? Jesus died for your sins and your relationship with God is the first major step forward in life and eternity (John 3:16). 

The Hope God Provides

Corruption touches every part of our lives and in some countries, it feels unbearable. It is important to lift up our eyes to God who is the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121). God provides promises which are greater than the corruption we face (2 Peter 1:4). In heaven, there will be an end to all senseless violence and the shedding of innocent blood. God's power is available to all people who trust Jesus. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in our lives through the Holy Spirit. Jesus has overcome death and the devil and is the victorious King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The kings and nations must bow down to His name. God has the final say with every corrupt leader in the Bible - past, present and future. Jesus can give you peace in the middle of the storm (John 16:33). God's presence makes the difference in our lives. He brings us comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). He gives us a peace that transcends all understanding when we pray (Philippians 4:4-8). God's presence, power, and promises are the key to enduring and rising above the challenges in your life. 

The Action You Can Take

Do what you can within the system of your government to tackle injustice. In some countries, you can vote, run for office, support candidates, lobby for change, communicate with leaders, come up with creative solutions and initiatives, and change systems from within. Know what your options are and avoid the traps of passivity, complacency, hopelessness, excuses, and despair. It is important that in your anger, you do not sin. Do not imitate what you know is wrong.  Often times,people stoop to the level of their oppressors. The Bible is clear that we are to forgive everyone fully just as Jesus forgave those who killed him.  Avoid the path of gossip, slander, lying, resentment, or pride. Live a life that is the opposite of the evil you see. Imitate Jesus (Ephesians 5:1-2). Abide with Jesus (John 15) and you will bear much fruit. No one can stop you from trusting God, praying, worshipping, serving, loving, speaking words of kindness, and being an instrument of healing. Grieve with those who grieve and provide for those in need as you love your neighbor. Discern what is from God (1 John 4:1). Speak words of truth and grace. Shine your light in your community and spend time in God's Word so you will not conform to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:1-2).

Jesus Is The Way

You can be honest about the staggering amount of corruption and describe its effects accurately, too. There is room to mourn and suffer with the people who are suffering. In addition to that, take positive steps forward in the strength of the Holy Spirit. You can overcome like Jesus but you can not do it by your own efforts. Rely on God for  your responses, words, attitudes and actions and become part of the solution. God is with you, His power is real, and His promises are dependable. God will give you creativity to find new answers to the challenges you face. Spend time in the Bible and do what it says. Make sure your own heart does not drift from God. Stay pure and forgive others . Serve people who need your help. Be a leader who models the life you want for your community. There are no limits to what God can do. Start the positive momentum and build hope for future generations. Prayerfully consider the cost for change to come. You can glorify God even when you are mistreated, and God often does His greatest work in the most difficult times (Psalm 46). 

Jesse is a pastor, speaker, author and former professional goalkeeper.  He invites you to explore his website.

Pray this week:

Heavenly Father, help me to depend on You and on Your power and Your promises.  Help me to glorify You in these difficult times.

What is your biggest challenge today? 

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