New Year, New Life
With God, you can be a new person in this new year!

By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.” 2 Peter 1:3
What is the worst sin you can imagine? Whatever your sin, God has proved He is willing to forgive even the worst sin as long as you repent (agree that your sin is wrong and ask forgiveness) and start following the Lord. By doing this, God can make you a new person in the new year!
The “Worst Sinner Of All”
The man who became known as the Apostle Paul was born as “Saul,” a well-connected, educated man who was a Roman citizen. He oversaw and supported the persecution of some of the first believers in Jesus Christ. Yet God chose to work in his life. Paul wrote that God gave him “strength to do His work, even though I used to blaspheme the Name of Christ and persecuted His people” (I Timothy 1:12-13).
Because of God’s mercy and grace, God turned Saul’s life around. Paul called himself “a prime example of [God’s] great patience with even the worst sinners” (I Timothy 1:16). Even if you feel like you are the worst sinner of all, God can renew you in the same way he renewed Paul. Learn how to repent and ask God to change your life by clicking here. This new year, God can can make you a new person!
A New Life Has Begun
Have you ever heard the phrase “New Year, New You”? God offers you a new life and a new you. When “you have been born again” (I Peter 1:23), you have a new life in Jesus Christ. Paul wrote “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17) God helps you grow through His Word, the local church, and other Believers. He’ll guide you into a new life and never leave your side.
Take Your Next Step
God surrounded Paul with Christians who helped him learn more about following Jesus Christ. How can God help you learn more? One way to grow your faith is to take our 30-Day Challenge! Start your New Year off right by clicking here and downloading the Next Steps app. This devotional guide is filled with daily lessons and videos to help you grow closer to God. Don’t wait. Take your next step today!
Pray this week:
That you will be a new person with a new life this year.
How would you like God to change you this year? What will you do to cooperate with Him? Having a friend to help along the way will help. Talk to someone today.