Weekly Devotional

What 'Hosanna' Means For You

Will you cry, "Save us, please!" to Jesus this Palm Sunday?

What 'Hosanna' Means For You
Written by Stephen G. Brown on 03/31/2020

So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!’

John 12:13

Is He the One?

The People of Israel had long awaited a Messiah. The prophets of old prophesied his coming, and their anticipation was met with speculation about this young miracle-worker from Nazareth. Is He the One? 

The Triumphal Entry

Jesus made His way to Jerusalem for Passover amid much speculation, anticipation, and ultimate jubilation! His reputation preceded His entrance. The people were overjoyed that the Messiah had come. To commemorate their heart’s joy, they grabbed palms from trees and laid them at His feet. They spoke words of salvation and blessings to their King, “Hosanna,” meaning “save us, please” (Matthew 21:9, Psalm 118:25-26).

Path to His Kingdom

With today’s perspective, we can see Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem as His necessary path to His ultimate purpose for coming to earth. Being celebrated on Palm Sunday must precede being crucified on Good Friday. The same crowds who rejoiced and threw palms abruptly flung insults of “Crucify Him!” (Matthew 27:23) And yet, it’s all according to His path, and the Father’s plan. (Acts 2:23)

Our Response to the King

In the same manner that the People of Israel had to decide about their position on Jesus Christ, we too must make a decision. How will we respond to this King? Within five days, people’s response to Jesus Christ shifted. Yet, He remained the same. Even today, He is still the same. Crowds will continually deny Him as King, so we must respond to Him individually. Let us know and believe that Jesus Christ is who He said He is and celebrate Him as our Messiah and King. He has indeed come to “save us.” 

Pray this week:

Father, I am so grateful that You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, to come to earth as our Messiah King. I humbly acknowledge my need for a Savior, and I receive His free gift of salvation made available by His finished work on the Cross of Calvary. Thank you for your love demonstrated through Jesus Christ. In His Name, Amen. 

Jesus is King. He will come again to rule. Do you need help getting ready?

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