Weekly Devotional

Where Can I Find the Good Life?

Why is life so unfair to some while it is so good to others?

Where Can I Find the Good Life?
Written by Ruth Bartel on 07/06/2021

…to whom much was given, much will be required…

Luke 12:48

Jesus tells us to use this life on earth to prepare for eternity – what will your eternity be?


We live in a world that seems so unfair to most of us. Many people are without jobs because of the pandemic, and many more have no food because of the plagues of locusts that are also devouring food sources. So we long for a “good life” that we think money can provide. We believe we can only share with others when we have much to give.

But God gives us examples of how a good life that includes us being generous to others happens. First, we look at the principle of living as defined by Jesus in our verses above. Jesus told the story of a master, a wealthy man, who went away and left his servant in charge. The servant thought he could enjoy a “good life” at the master’s expense for a little while. But rather than becoming like his master, he became selfish and cruel.

Another example of what we tend to do when we are given much from God was Solomon. Not only was he rich, he was also wise and famous. People came from all over the world to meet him and gave him gifts of even more wealth. But Solomon used his wealth and fame to satisfy his own desires. The Bible calls our temptation “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:16) and Solomon indulged in all three. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines to satisfy every sexual desire he could imagine. He entertained the rulers of the world, and none was as wise as he. His home was furnished with gold – even the utensils with which he ate were gold (1 Kings 3, 10, 14). And in the end, Solomon wrote that “everything was vanity (useless)!” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).


An important measuring tool in the Bible tells us where we should set our goals for our life or desires for how we want to live. The Apostle Paul told us the secret in Philippians 1:21“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” This does not mean we seek to die physically; we seek to make our lives all about Jesus Christ. 

When do we begin living for Him? Now! You may be in school – learn how to learn, see beyond the things you are being taught to understand the principles God gives us as truth in the Bible, measure all you learn against that truth. (See Proverbs 1:7)

What do we do for God? Do whatever needs to be done that you see around you right now. Is someone needing help cleaning up a yard? Help them without asking for pay. Does someone need a ride somewhere? If you have an automobile, offer them the ride. Look around you, find someone who needs help, and help them to the best of your ability. (See Ecclesiastes 9:10)

How do you get paid? Sometimes your paycheck is the joy of helping. Sometimes God will provide another of your needs through someone else. But whatever you do, just do it for Him rather than worrying about your own needs, because Jesus knows what you need and will provide for you. (See Matthew 7:11)

Where should you begin? Begin in your own home. Are you living with your parents? Could you help them? Are you married with a family? Help your spouse and children. Are you a member of a church? Help your church family, especially those who are older or sick, or have lost loved ones. (See Romans 12:15)

Jesus said in Mark 8:36“What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” We keep only that which we freely give to God.

Discover the joy Jesus gives when we help strangers in need. Proverbs 19:17 and Luke 14:12-14 are two significant passages we can follow in helping people we do not know. My pastor reminded us that Jesus never saw crowds, only individuals. Look for that one or two you can help, and tell them about Jesus’ love as you do so.

Pray this week:

Lord Jesus, help me to work in building Your kingdom in Heaven rather than my own here on earth.

Where is your treasure being stored?

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