Who is Jesus?
The Creator of All Things.

“The was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.”
Jesus is God
John says without any doubt that Jesus is God. He declares that Jesus is the Creator of all things. This accounts for Jesus' strange and remarkable personality. He is the originator of all things. Eight times in the opening chapter of Genesis it says. And God said. God said, Let there be light, and there was light. God said, Let there be a firmament between the heavens and the earth and there was. God said, Let the earth bring forth trees and vegetation, and these sprang into being. The Son of God was speaking into being what the Father had designed in that amazing mind of his.
The Obvious Order, Design and Symmetry of Everything is Astonishing.
Any scientist who studies in the natural realm is always astonished when he comes to see the complexity of life, the marvelous symmetry of things, what lies behind all visible matter, the molecules, the atom, the make-up of a flower or of a star. The obvious order, design and symmetry of everything is astonishing.
We have all wondered at what we have seen through some of the discoveries of science. All of that was in the thought of God, but it never would have been expressed until the Son said it; He spoke and these things came into being. So this amazing Man, Jesus of Nazareth, in the mystery of his being, was not only a human being here on earth with us, John says, but was the One who in the beginning spoke the universe into existence. He understands it; He knows how it functions; He is able to direct it, guard it and guide it. He spoke it into being.
Jesus Sustains Everything
Furthermore, John says, Jesus sustains it: Without Him was not anything made that was made. He is essential to it; He is what keeps it going and holds it in existence. I have always been fascinated by the great linear accelerator that runs out into the mountains behind Stanford University. This linear accelerator is a great atom-smasher, which takes energy that is developed at the beginning of that great tunnel and increases its speed constantly until it approaches the speed of light so that the energy particles smash into a target of an atom. Why does it take so much power to break loose what is in an atom so that scientists might investigate the electrons, the protons and other particles that make up that atom? Science has long asked that question, but has failed to come up with an answer to it. There is a force that they cannot describe or understand that holds all things together.
Jesus Holds All Things Together
The Apostle Paul tells us Jesus is that force: He holds all things together (Colossians 1:17). Hebrews says, He is upholding the universe by the word of his power (Hebrews 1:3). That is why we cannot forget Jesus: we are held together here today by His word and his power. That is why we do not fall apart and blast into smithereens. Something holds us together, and that is from Him.
Pray this week:
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you created all things and you sustain all things. I praise you for your power, wisdom and creativity. Amen
When the world and our lives seem to be falling apart, do we find sanctuary in the One who holds it together?