Weekly Devotional

Why Does The Resurrection Matter?

Without the resurrection, the gospel is missing its central message.

Why Does The Resurrection Matter?
Written by Ken Boa on 03/30/2021

He has risen, just as He said.

Matthew 28:6

These seven words, the herald of the resurrection, are the core of Christianity. Apart from this truth, the Christian faith would be deceptive, and we would be lost in a world without hope (1 Corinthians 15:17-19). But because Christ is risen, we find peace with God, new life, and a hope that transcends this world.

The Importance of the Resurrection

A popular claim over the past few decades tries to argue that the resurrection is not central to Jesus’ identity. “He was merely a good moral teacher,” proponents of this view often say, “and we need only follow the example of his teaching.”

However, the resurrection is the central event in human history. To see it in any other light is to misunderstand the gospel and its implications for our salvation and future resurrection in Jesus.

Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God who is fully God and fully man, came to die, to be buried, and to rise again. His resurrection gives us confidence in the truth of His teachings—not just about morality, but primarily about His work as the Son of God. 

Jesus came to be our perfect lamb, our sacrifice. He died for our sins as an acceptable sacrifice and bringing humanity into the heavenly places in the presence of God through His resurrection (Ephesians 2:6). The resurrection is God’s life-changing declaration that we who were dead in our trespasses have new life in Jesus Christ—just as He was raised from the dead, so we will be (1 Corinthians 15:20-23).

The Implications of the Resurrection

The resurrection, the core of Christianity, is not some short-lived goodwill or vague moral teaching. Rather, it confronts us with the curse of sin, the certainty of judgment, the reality of death, and individual eternal destiny. As such, it has real implications for our identity and our actions. 


The first implication is that Jesus’ death and resurrection have already bought us peace with God. His resurrection from the dead demonstrates God’s acceptance of His sacrifice in our place.

This is no temporary peace. When the Son of God took on humanity, He took it on for all time as the eternal God-man. This means He has brought humanity into the heavenly places, where He is seated at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12). The word “seated” means His work is accomplished, once for all time.

Jesus’ resurrection, then, is the reason we are no longer enemies, but rather friends with God.


Second, having been reconciled to God, we now have a new identity in Jesus.

Although we still struggle with sin in this present time, Jesus helps us through the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. Sin no longer has dominion over us, which is why He calls us “saints” instead of “sinners.” We ought to live a transformed life because of this new identity.


Finally, the resurrection means we have hope for the future. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then we ought to despair. After all, life would be filled with sorrow and end only in death—a hopeless, meaningless prospect.

As it is, Jesus has defeated death, and we will experience the fullness of that truth when He comes again in glory. His resurrection anticipates His return, when we will be perfectly conformed to His image and will spend with Him an eternity of endless joy that our limited minds can barely begin to imagine.

The Invitation of the Resurrection

Because the resurrection is central to who Jesus is, we cannot take a neutral stance on what it means. There are only two viable responses — to reject or receive Jesus as the Son of God who died for our sins and rose to new life.

One day, every knee will bow before Jesus (Philippians 2:10-11). Let us not wait to bow only then, but choose today to surrender to Him as Lord and Savior.

Pray this week:

Jesus, I believe that You are the only way to God.  I bow to You now and surrender my life to You. You rose from the dead and someday You will raise me to be with You too. Thank you!

Is this the prayer of your heart? Let us know who Jesus is to you.

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