
here is the list of resources related to this subject

How can We Have Joy in Trials?

How can We Have Joy in Trials?

The Bible says our faith is like gold that needs to be purified and refined in fire. The joy comes when we realize the fire makes the end product more valuable and beautiful.

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What is God’s Favor?

What is God’s Favor?

God is with us—for our good and His glory.

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Why God Allows Suffering

Why God Allows Suffering

Why would a good God allow suffering? Greg Laurie explains...

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When Cancer Came to Our Home

When Cancer Came to Our Home

No one in this life is exempt from struggles, heartaches, and difficulties.

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A God Who is Sufficient for the Pressures of Life

A God Who is Sufficient for the Pressures of Life

Only Jesus can meet our deepest needs when suddenly our world is falling apart.

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What is Spiritual Warfare and How Do We Fight Against It?

What is Spiritual Warfare and How Do We Fight Against It?

What does it mean to put on the armor of God?

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