
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Choose Your Friends

Choose Your Friends

Have you ever depended upon a friend? If not, you can certainly trust Jesus.

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Your Friends and Family are Special to God

Your Friends and Family are Special to God

Is there anything you think is really wonderful, which you want to tell people about?

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Trials Allow Us to Comfort Others

Trials Allow Us to Comfort Others

Why does God put His children through such terrible situations? Is there a purpose for our trials?

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How Can God Use Me In This Evil World?

How Can God Use Me In This Evil World?

You were appointed for such a time as this.

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Why Accountability Matters

Why Accountability Matters

Want encouragement in your walk with God?

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Daily Bread: A Rock Solid Foundation

Daily Bread: A Rock Solid Foundation

Do you have unhealthy relationships influencing you?

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