Jesus Birth

here is the list of resources related to this subject

Up on the Housetop, a Kingdom View

Up on the Housetop, a Kingdom View

As Christians, we rejoice in the celebration of Jesus’ birth – hopefully rather than spending too much time on things here on earth.

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3 Ways the Coming of Jesus was Foretold

3 Ways the Coming of Jesus was Foretold

There are more than 300 prophecies about Jesus (the Messiah) in the Old Testament.

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What is Christmas Really About?

What is Christmas Really About?

Jesus’ sacrifice for us is the real gift.

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Why did God send Jesus?

Why did God send Jesus?

Be sure of this: He is with us always, even to the end of the age.

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When God’s Plans Don’t Seem to Make Sense

When God’s Plans Don’t Seem to Make Sense

Is there something God is asking you to do that isn't easy?

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