
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Can Justice and Mercy Work Together?

Can Justice and Mercy Work Together?

Here’s how God gives justice and mercy for your benefit

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Does Pride Come Before the Fall?

Does Pride Come Before the Fall?

God is able to humble those who walk in pride.

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How Can God Allow War?

How Can God Allow War?

Can a loving God allow the horrors of war?

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What is the Meaning of Life?

What is the Meaning of Life?

And why are we here?

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Lesson 3: Holiness and Justice

Lesson 3: Holiness and Justice

The justice we deserve because of our unholiness is often withheld because of God’s grace for us.

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The Curse and the Cure

The Curse and the Cure

The Old Testament is a gritty, glorious portrait of God’s coming to His people again and again and again, reminding them of how their sin had doomed them to His curse, but how it could never diminish His original desire to bless.

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