
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Service Shows God's Love

Service Shows God's Love

“In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. "

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Revealed by Nature

Revealed by Nature

Have you ever experienced the love of an animal?

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Relationships: Give and Take

Relationships: Give and Take

We first turn to God because we need Him. But our relationship should not be built on us asking for things all the time, without listening.

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Care for People All Around You

Care for People All Around You

The book of Ruth in the Old Testament tells a beautiful story about love and loyalty among family.

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Bless Those Who Curse You

Bless Those Who Curse You

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? How difficult is it to love someone who has offended or hurt you?

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Keep Showing God's Love!

Keep Showing God's Love!

Do you know about The Ten Commandments?

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