
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Choose Your Friends

Choose Your Friends

Have you ever depended upon a friend? If not, you can certainly trust Jesus.

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Relationships: Give and Take

Relationships: Give and Take

We first turn to God because we need Him. But our relationship should not be built on us asking for things all the time, without listening.

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Who are you?

Who are you?

You might be wondering about your identity as an adopted child of God.

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Care for People All Around You

Care for People All Around You

The book of Ruth in the Old Testament tells a beautiful story about love and loyalty among family.

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Reconciliation Might Follow Forgiveness

Reconciliation Might Follow Forgiveness

We need to obey when He tells us to mend our human relationships, just as Jesus mended our relationship with God.

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Your Friends and Family are Special to God

Your Friends and Family are Special to God

Is there anything you think is really wonderful, which you want to tell people about?

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