
here is the list of resources related to this subject

How to Read the Bible in a Year

How to Read the Bible in a Year

Reading God’s instruction guide, the Bible, is a great approach to understanding God’s will for your life.

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What Does God Want From Us?

What Does God Want From Us?

Here is what God really desires from you

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How Can I Stop Sinning?

How Can I Stop Sinning?

Will I ever reach sinless perfection in this life?

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Biblical Keys to Spiritual Growth: The Holy Spirit

Biblical Keys to Spiritual Growth: The Holy Spirit

The way of spirituality: forsaking 'self'; embracing the Spirit

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There’s More To Your Story

There’s More To Your Story

This is an amazing secret from the ancient book of Job that is so relevant today.

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Put on the Lord Jesus Christ

Put on the Lord Jesus Christ

What is your source of identity? Is it what social media tells you? What DOES God say about your identity as a Christian? How does one live up to THAT identity?

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