
Care for People All Around You

Care for People All Around You

The book of Ruth in the Old Testament tells a beautiful story about love and loyalty among family.

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Caring by Nature

Caring by Nature

What are you good at? In what ways are you naturally talented? Do you know that God gave you those gifts and abilities for a reason?

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Give Them Their Daily Bread

Give Them Their Daily Bread

God knew what I needed, even if I didn’t know myself.

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Discovering Needs

Discovering Needs

Jesus said, “ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”

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Sharing at Every Opportunity

Sharing at Every Opportunity

We can show we care by letting others know about Jesus, every chance we have, so they can share a joyful eternity with the Lord, too.

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Test in Faith

Test in Faith

Are you struggling to share the gospel of Jesus Christ directly with the lost people God puts around you?

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