
Why Does God allow Bad things to happen to Good people?

Why Does God allow Bad things to happen to Good people?

It is hard to understand how a good and loving God can allow bad things to happen to his children.

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What is the Purpose of Trials in Our Life?

What is the Purpose of Trials in Our Life?

We have false expectations if we believe that good deeds are always rewarded, and evil is always punished in this life.

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Trials Allow Us to Comfort Others

Trials Allow Us to Comfort Others

Why does God put His children through such terrible situations? Is there a purpose for our trials?

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How to Have a Relationship with God

How to Have a Relationship with God

Does going to church or giving to the poor make you a Christian?

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How to Be Confident You Are Going to Heaven

How to Be Confident You Are Going to Heaven

If you die today, do you think you are going to heaven?

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Should You Feel Different After Accepting Christ?

Should You Feel Different After Accepting Christ?

Some people have a big, emotional event while others might grow in faith gradually. Emotions can be misleading, so let’s see what the Bible says happens after you accept Jesus.

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