
Know God and your life will be transformed

Communion with God

The Bible and prayer are intertwined strands forming the intimate cord of communion between God and ourselves.

Communion with God

Some years ago a doctor asked an elderly Christian woman in England, "If I asked God for five pounds, would I get it?"

The old woman answered with a question. "If you were introduced to the Prince of Wales, would you ask him for money at once?"

"No, not till I knew him better," replied the doctor.

"Well," remarked the woman, "you will need to know God a great deal better before you can expect Him to answer your prayer."

Someone commented on this incident by observing, "Many people presume to ask God for things upon mere acquaintance with Him." Isn’t that often the case? Prayer, as we said before, is simply two friends talking together. The Bible is God’s side of the conversation. When I read the Scriptures, I soon find myself whispering a petition. When I pray, God’s Word comes to mind. When I listen to His Word, my soul bows in adoration.

Bible expositor W. Graham Scroggie wrote, "In the Bible God speaks to us, and in prayer we speak to God." The Bible and prayer are intertwined strands forming the intimate cord of communion between God and ourselves.

Read the great prayers of Moses, Nehemiah, Ezra, and Daniel. In their petitions they spoke God’s words back to Him. This is the prayer language God delights to answer. As you pray, let Him bring Scriptures to mind. Pray them back to God as they apply to you.

Before you spend time reading and studying the Bible each day, pray that God will make your heart sensitive to His Word. Martin Luther said, "Having prayed well is having studied well." We cannot have one without the other.

George Müller fellowshiped with God as few men in history have ever done.

Listen to what Müller said about his times alone with God: "I begin to meditate the New Testament early in the mornings. . . . Invariably, I have found that . . . after so many minutes of meditation, my soul is guided to confession, or to give thanks, or to intercede, or to make a request. So, even when you couldn’t say that I had given myself to prayer, but rather to meditation, nevertheless, it turned out that almost immediately the meditation turned into prayer."

As God’s Word spoke to Müller’s heart, he naturally responded back to God prayer. He enjoyed intimate fellowship with his Lord.

Communication is the key to any relationship. Our relationship with God can grow only as we communicate our adoration, confession, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving to Him through prayer, and as we listen to His voice through the daily study of His Word.

How well do you know God? How intimate is your relationship with Him? George Müller could come to God, ask Him for five pounds, and know his heavenly Father would somehow supply his need. Could you ask God for that, or are you only an acquaintance?

I spent 8 days/nights in the ICU with my mother after her first heart attack. It was at that time, I felt the awesome presence of God. Since becoming a Christian, have you experienced a time of great suffering? Did you feel God's presence during that time? Share with us that experience.

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