Spiritual Discipline

here is the list of resources related to this subject

Missions in Your Field

Missions in Your Field

When we are spiritually prepared and have identified where to do His work, God can use us to minister to those around us.

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Keep Praying!

Keep Praying!

Sometimes, it seems there is too much to pray for, and not enough people praying.

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Reading the Bible is Life-Changing

Reading the Bible is Life-Changing

The Bible is what God uses to reveal exactly how He thinks.

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What the World Cup Teaches Us

What the World Cup Teaches Us

There are spiritual insights that relate to the dedication and repetition of the athletes in the World Cup.

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Communion with God

Communion with God

The Bible and prayer are intertwined strands forming the intimate cord of communion between God and ourselves.

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How to Study the Bible

How to Study the Bible

We cannot mature spiritually unless we regularly study God’s Word.

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