
Why You Should Let Go of Past Sins

Why You Should Let Go of Past Sins

If you have faith that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, you don’t need to feel guilty.

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5 Tips for Avoiding Sin

5 Tips for Avoiding Sin

Being a Christian involves turning away from sin; however, we still mess up sometimes.

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Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist?

Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist?

And if we’re His creation, why are we so bad?

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Did God Plan for Evil to Exist in the World?

Did God Plan for Evil to Exist in the World?

We can choose to walk in God’s ways or we can choose to turn from Him.

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With So Much Evil in the World, is there Hope?

With So Much Evil in the World, is there Hope?

We have hope, because God is going to make everything new!

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Why Do We Read the Bible?

Why Do We Read the Bible?

You might hear the Bible referred to as “the Word of God,” “Scripture,” or “God’s Word.” But why did God use this book to share His story -- and why should you care?

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