Weekly Devotional

What does it mean to be God's child?

Who does God say that I am?

What does it mean to be God's child?
Written by GodLife on 10/03/2022

God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7

When you evaluate yourself, what first comes to mind? Is it your outer appearance? Is it some flaw others pointed out to you as a child? Is there a character trait over which you wish you had better control? 

Did you know that God doesn't look at your outer appearance but rather your heart? In this passage of Scripture, Samuel must appoint the next king of Israel. Although seven sons of Jesse go before Samuel as possible candidates for the position, Samuel has his heart set on the least likely of people. Samuel picks David, a shepherd boy and the youngest of Jesse's sons.

Common sense would argue that David was inexperienced. He spent many hours alone, with sheep as his only company. However, David was a man after God's own heart. (Acts 13:22) While David was far from perfect, he had a deep desire to follow God's will and do all God asked. 

If we could talk to David, when he was a shepherd boy, he most likely would never have dreamed he would be king one day. However, David did not concern himself with his profession, but rather how he served God in it.

How does David’s story apply to me?

God has a plan for your life. You might feel lonely, rejected, or hurt by others, but you are created by a God who loves you. You are made in His image, and that gives you incredible value. It doesn't matter if you are a shepherd tending sheep or a king; God wants you to serve Him. In addition, He is concerned about the condition of your heart.

When you accept that Jesus suffered and died as payment for the things you have done wrong in your life, God forgives you and sees you as blameless. When Jesus rose again from the dead, He overcame sin and death, opening a relationship and eternity for us with God. 

As God's child, you are a new creation. 

Did you know that a caterpillar and butterfly's DNA are the same? The caterpillar only needs to go through the difficulties of the cocoon to mature and emerge as a butterfly. Before long, the caterpillar isn't crawling on the ground; it is soaring through the air on beautiful wings. That is what Jesus does for us. He gives us a new life. He sets us free. Like the caterpillar, we become a new creation when we accept Christ into our lives. 

To help us better understand, God gives us a new identity. He calls us His children.

Just like the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, we become God’s children empowered with His Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we have a new identity in Him. We are loved and forgiven and accepted into God's family. In addition to that, God gives us the Holy Spirit to comfort us and be with us. 

Hebrews 13:5 tells us that God accepts us with unfailing love. Romans 13:5 tells us that we can trust God, because He will never fail nor forsake us. In Proverbs 18:2-4, we are told that Jesus sticks closer to us than a brother would. As His friend, we can always count on Him. 

So, what can we learn from 1 Samuel? 

Whatever you are going through, Jesus is with you, and He understands. He experienced every heartache and bit of rejection known to man. Yet, he wants to take our biggest struggles and use them to help us become more like Him. And, because we are a new creation in Him, we have the power to do His will. 

John 1:12 says, But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

Today, whatever is before you, remember Jesus is with you. You can rest in the assurance that you are His, and as Romans 8:28 says, He is working all things together for your good. Nothing can separate you from God's love. (Romans 8: 35-39) In addition to these fantastic promises, remember you are Christ’s workmanship, therefore, you matter. (Ephesians 2:10) 

So who am I?

How does my status as God's child affect my daily life? 

  • As I remember who I am in Christ, I will strive to be more like Him each day. 
  • I will have hope because God is working all things for my good. 
  • I will remember that I am not alone because the Holy Spirit is always with me, comforting me and guiding me.
  • I will remember that I am loved, secure, and have significance because I am God's workmanship.
  • I will remember that I matter to Christ and develop my relationship with Him through prayer, fellowship and God's Word. 
  • I will come to Christ with confidence, honestly sharing my needs and concerns with Him each day because He cares for me. 
  • I will confess any sin in my life and ask for forgiveness so that I can live a life pleasing to my Savior.

Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Finally, remember that every aspect of your life is in God’s hands. You are a new creation in Him. You have a purpose in Him and because of Him. Let Him use you and fill you with His ever-lasting hope.

Pray this week:

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to die for me. I am so glad I am your child. Thank you for loving me and giving me a purpose. I hope and trust in you today to work on my behalf and in my life. Amen.

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