Weekly Devotional

What to Do When Fear Attacks

Let the Lord be your confidence.

What to Do When Fear Attacks
Written by Janet Perez Eckles on 06/11/2023
Tags: Love, Truth, Fear

"Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again."

Exodus 14:13

Are you trying to remove the memory of the personal battles that you sometimes fight, but often lose?

Not long ago, I sat at the gate, waiting to board the last leg of my trip home. I settled in, listening for the announcement to pre-board.

But instead, this announcement came through: “Sorry, folks, we just got word the flight to Orlando will be delayed for one hour. We’ll give you an update as we receive it.”

Can you believe this?” the man seated beside me said. He gave a long sigh. “I can’t believe another delay. You would think as much as they charge for these tickets, the airlines would get their act together.”

Minutes later, another announcement: “We just got word the delay will be about two hours.”

He slapped his leg. “Are you kidding me? This isn’t happening!”

I smile with compassion at his ranting.

This man’s problem wasn’t the delay

The issue was with the fact that he chose to enter into a battle between his perception of how things should be and the reality of what things were.

That battle has winners; they’re called anxiety and stress.

And all of us at one time or another have sat at the gate of disappointment. Maybe not because of a flight delay, but because of an answer prayer that never comes, a drastic change that leaves us numb, or a heartache that shakes our world.

All of the above shove us onto the battlefield where our emotions are on the frontline. But no matter how we fight, no matter how we try to change, correct or resolve, the only way we become winners is by carrying the banner of victory as we allow God to fight our battles.

Like the Israelites, we have the Egyptians of destructive emotions chasing us night and day.

But Moses carries the promise: “Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still’” (Exodus 14:13-14).

Even when we face the greatest battle, being still is doable when we embrace these three truths:

  1. God provides the three weapons we need. He said He has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, of power and a sound mind. Receiving what He offers ushers the reassurance that His power is at work, His love is active and this wisdom in us is at work.
  2. He gives us the confidence to declare our freedom from worry. Worrying is a way to tell God He’s not enough. He’s not in control. And He’s not the provider He says He is. But in Matthew 6:27 He instructs not to worry. Not now. Not tomorrow or ever.
  3. God shows us the way out of the prison of stress. He said He will give us the peace that goes beyond all understanding…if only we make sure we’re not anxious for anything. And instead, bring to Him all our requests wrapped in praise, thanksgiving and supplication (see Philippians 4:6).

Used with permission by Global Media Outreach from Janet Perez Eckles. In spite of her physical blindness, Janet Perez Eckles serves the Lord as an international speaker and author. She imparts inspiration at www.janetperezeckles.com

Pray this week:

Father, when battles grow fierce, I will trust in you to bring freedom, to defeat the enemy of destructive emotions. I will cling to you as my defender from all attacks and injuries. I count on you to bring me triumphant victory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What battle are you trusting God to fight for you? You can connect with a caring volunteer below who can help answer your questions.

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