New Believers Guide

The New Believer's Guide is a series of articles designed to show you how to walk in the new life Christ has given you— a life of faith and freedom.

Day 19: Finding a Good Church

Day 19: Finding a Good Church

What Makes a Good Church? We’ve talked a lot about church being like a family…so how do you find the right one?

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Day 20: Involved in Church

Day 20: Involved in Church

What should you do when you go to Church? If at all possible it is good if you can go to church services each Sunday.

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Day 21: What is Prayer?

Day 21: What is Prayer?

What is prayer? Prayer is the ability to communicate with your Heavenly Father and hear back from Him!

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Day 22: Why Pray?

Day 22: Why Pray?

What is the point of prayer? Why take time out of your day to talk with God who you can’t see or necessarily hear out loud?

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Day 23: When to Pray

Day 23: When to Pray

You can come to God at any time and have His full attention.

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Day 24: Where to Pray

Day 24: Where to Pray

Prayer can happen anytime, anywhere. God is never more than a prayer away!

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Day 25: How to Pray

Day 25: How to Pray

Is there a right way to pray? Jesus’ disciples wondered that too.

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Day 26: Great Commission 101

Day 26: Great Commission 101

How did you first hear about Jesus? For most people, they had to hear it from someone.

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Day 27: Why Share?

Day 27: Why Share?

Life and death are at stake.

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