Church And Community

here is the list of resources related to this subject

Is Your Church Making Disciples?

Is Your Church Making Disciples?

In many parts of the world, the Name of Jesus is unknown or hated, making it unsafe to share your Christian faith. However, God calls Christians to "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone" (Mark 16:15).

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Do You Have to Go to Church?

Do You Have to Go to Church?

Let’s find out the true meaning of church.

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Serving the Body

Serving the Body

How can we use our spiritual gifts to serve the Church?

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God Creates Beautiful Stories

God Creates Beautiful Stories

A story of a young girl coming to the feet of Jesus.

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Feeling Disillusioned With Church?

Feeling Disillusioned With Church?

The church is the Body of Christ — not a building or a passive experience led by professionals

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Forgiving Others in the Church

Forgiving Others in the Church

How can I forgive someone who keeps hurting me?

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