
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Missions in Your Field

Missions in Your Field

When we are spiritually prepared and have identified where to do His work, God can use us to minister to those around us.

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Our Lives Are Examples

Our Lives Are Examples

We should strive to live in such a way that non-believers will want the love we have.

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Sharing at Every Opportunity

Sharing at Every Opportunity

We can show we care by letting others know about Jesus, every chance we have, so they can share a joyful eternity with the Lord, too.

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You are a Full-Time Minister of God

You are a Full-Time Minister of God

Wherever Christians are -- even if it’s a region in which no-one else can know you follow Jesus – God can use you to bless others.

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Your Friends and Family are Special to God

Your Friends and Family are Special to God

Is there anything you think is really wonderful, which you want to tell people about?

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Witness with Joy & Caring

Witness with Joy & Caring

Do people turn to God because of how they see you living?

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