
here is the list of resources related to this subject



Prayer is absolutely everything, especially when it comes to evangelism.

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Let Your Light Shine Before Men - Part 3

Let Your Light Shine Before Men - Part 3

What will you do today to let your light shine before men?

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Let Your Light Shine Before Men - Part 2

Let Your Light Shine Before Men - Part 2

Sometimes God works through mighty events to help you shine your light before men.

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Let Your Light Shine Before Men - Part 1

Let Your Light Shine Before Men - Part 1

People are looking for hope - do they see it in you?

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Bible Terms: Understanding God

Bible Terms: Understanding God

Sometimes people don't understand what we are talking about when we are trying to share the Good News.

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The Appearance of Perfection

The Appearance of Perfection

Everyone needs God - no matter how perfect their life already seems.

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