
here is the list of resources related to this subject

When You Pray, Expect the Unexpected

When You Pray, Expect the Unexpected

Sometimes God gives us exactly what we ask for, when we ask for it. But when His answers don’t come right away, it’s often because He has something much better for us.

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6 Pieces of Armor for Spiritual War

6 Pieces of Armor for Spiritual War

God has not left us defenseless in spiritual warfare. He has given us spiritual armor to defend ourselves from our enemy.

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Why Do I Keep Repeating the Same Sin?

Why Do I Keep Repeating the Same Sin?

God can renew our minds to help us avoid repeating the same sins.

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Great is God’s Faithfulness

Great is God’s Faithfulness

God’s faithfulness gives us confidence.

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Can Justice and Mercy Work Together?

Can Justice and Mercy Work Together?

Here’s how God gives justice and mercy for your benefit

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What Happens When You Accept Christ?

What Happens When You Accept Christ?

Two great things that happen when you put your faith in Christ

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