
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Do You Have Life Figured Out?

Do You Have Life Figured Out?

The truth is, you don’t have it all together.

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Why Accountability Matters

Why Accountability Matters

Want encouragement in your walk with God?

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Three Truths to Hold onto When Life Stinks

Three Truths to Hold onto When Life Stinks

Hopelessness tried to cover me up. Until one day, God poured grace, mercy and compassion upon my world. That’s when I knew that the mature manure of heartache produces a nice lawn of faith and strength.

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6 Traps Perfectionists Need to Avoid

6 Traps Perfectionists Need to Avoid

Let His grace be sufficient for you.

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God’s Love Language

God’s Love Language

What makes God feel loved?

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The Year of the Lord’s Favor

The Year of the Lord’s Favor

What in your life is broken, captive or bound?

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