
here is the list of resources related to this subject

God Steps Out

God Steps Out

Almost 2,000 years ago, God came to earth to live among us.

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Your Example Lasts for a Lifetime

Your Example Lasts for a Lifetime

Moms and dads, don’t underestimate the impact you have upon your children!

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The Problem of Evil and Suffering

The Problem of Evil and Suffering

To many, the most powerful positive objection to belief in God is the fact of evil.

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The Appearance of Perfection

The Appearance of Perfection

Everyone needs God - no matter how perfect their life already seems.

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Finding the Secret of a Successful Christian Life

Finding the Secret of a Successful Christian Life

Where is God where you are feeling overcome by the world?

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Parable of the Sower

Parable of the Sower

Why doesn't everyone who hears the Good News come to Christ?

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