
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Sharing at Every Opportunity

Sharing at Every Opportunity

We can show we care by letting others know about Jesus, every chance we have, so they can share a joyful eternity with the Lord, too.

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You are a Full-Time Minister of God

You are a Full-Time Minister of God

Wherever Christians are -- even if it’s a region in which no-one else can know you follow Jesus – God can use you to bless others.

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Are You Wrong?

Are You Wrong?

Has peer pressure ever gotten the best of you -- have you done something you know is wrong, just because you think your friends wanted you to do it?

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Sharing Jesus with Everyone

Sharing Jesus with Everyone

How can I show everyone God's love?

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The Power of a Testimony

The Power of a Testimony

One of Jesus' most famous cross-cultural encounters involved a woman in Samaria.

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How Will You Lead?

How Will You Lead?

What is the very best way you can share God's love with those close to you, and other people you encounter?

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