
here is the list of resources related to this subject

How to Replace Grief With Joy

How to Replace Grief With Joy

“Not my Joe,” I cried out over and over again. Although he was 19, he was still my baby, the youngest of my three sons.

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Five Truths God Wants You To Know

Five Truths God Wants You To Know

These are some basic truths that can help you love God even more.

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Running For My Life

Running For My Life

Read the testimony of a survivor of genocide.

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What Does the Bible Say About Joy?

What Does the Bible Say About Joy?

You too can sing hymns in jail at midnight if you know this secret.

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Responding to Worry with Joy

Responding to Worry with Joy

Since circumstances are beyond our control, we must choose to confront our circumstances with joy. It’s a choice!

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5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Looking For Happiness

5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Looking For Happiness

Are you looking for happiness in all the wrong places?

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