
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Why Should We Run from Sexual Sin?

Why Should We Run from Sexual Sin?

The proper place for sex is between a husband and wife. Outside of that relationship, sex is destructive to you and to others, just like an out of control fire.

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How Can My Prayer Be Heard With Favor?

How Can My Prayer Be Heard With Favor?

A Grace Gift from God

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Seven Truths About Christianity

Seven Truths About Christianity

Religion or relationship?

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How Can We Know God?

How Can We Know God?

We believe in the things we can touch and see. We can put our feet on the floor. We can feel water on our hands. We believe in those things, but God is even more real than the things we can see and touch.

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Love Includes Hospitality

Love Includes Hospitality

Do you go where people are to build relationships?

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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

What happened to the joy you had when you first found God?

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