Weekly Devotional

Evangelizing Your Household: What Works Best?

You may be the best person to reach them!

Evangelizing Your Household: What Works Best?
Written by Larry Moyer on 15/03/2022

…he will declare to you a message by which you will be saved, you and all your household.

Acts 11:14

It is clear from the Scriptures that many times when a person trusted Christ, the entire household came to know Him. Referring to Lydia, Acts 16:15 says, “And when she and her household were baptized…”

Several verses later, is the account of Paul’s and Silas’ ministry to the Philippian jailer. Not only did he trust Christ, but “immediately he and all his family were baptized” (Acts 16:33).

Sometimes “household” appears to refer not only to the immediate family but also to close friends. For example, Acts 10:2 records that Cornelius “feared God with all his household.” When Peter went to share the gospel with him, Cornelius “had called together his relatives and close friends” (Acts 10:24).

Who counts as your ‘household?’

In a similar way, when a person trusts Christ today, his most immediate and effective ministry is often to those he knows best. The question is, how do you go about reaching close friends? Should you try to talk to them yourself, ask someone older in the faith to talk to them, or take them to church? Which way works best?

No one ‘right’ way

The answer is neither limited nor restricted. Sometimes the person who met Christ was himself the ambassador of good news. In Mark 5:19, Christ instructed the one formerly possessed of demons to go home and tell his friends what happened. Other times, Jesus used conversations across the meal table to reach a man’s family and friends (Matthew 9:10). Still other times, it was through ministry in the temple or the church gathered in his home in which a man’s friends were saved (Acts 2:46-47, 5:42).

By all means…

The point is simple: You evangelize relatives and friends the way you do anybody — starting where they are and using whatever way is most effective at the moment. Some will accept your invitation to an evangelistic meeting where they will hear a clear presentation of the gospel. The advantage this has is that some will often listen to somebody outside the family quicker than they will listen to near kin.

Others might welcome a relaxed home Bible study or an evangelistic dinner. You will need to sit down with others and share the good news of the Savior with them one-to-one. Still others might open up across the dinner table away from other members of their family.

Relax! You have one message but a variety of ways and settings. Spend time in prayer asking God to open doors and give wisdom as to which would be best for communicating the gospel to them. Then — go use it!

Used by permission of EvanTell

Pray this week:

Father, help me have courage and sensitivity to share the hope you have given me with my family.

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