
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Which Apostle Are You Most Like?

Which Apostle Are You Most Like?

This is what Jesus' ministry meant to the people with whom He spent the most time.

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Three Simple Ways to Share Your Faith

Three Simple Ways to Share Your Faith

How to speak about the most important thing in your life.

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Navigating 2021 With Godly Goals

Navigating 2021 With Godly Goals

Are you driving in the right direction?

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What Was Christ’s Mission?

What Was Christ’s Mission?

Mission impossible? Not for God.

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What Jesus Calls Us To Do

What Jesus Calls Us To Do

Learn about the important task that Jesus gave His disciples.

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Evangelizing Your Household: What Works Best?

Evangelizing Your Household: What Works Best?

You may be the best person to reach them!

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