
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Bible Terms: Understanding God

Bible Terms: Understanding God

Sometimes people don't understand what we are talking about when we are trying to share the Good News.

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Daily Bread: Proverbs for Every Day

Daily Bread: Proverbs for Every Day

The Book of Proverbs can help you become wise.

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Daily Bread: Wisdom Revealed

Daily Bread: Wisdom Revealed

Wisdom comes from immersing ourselves in the Word of God.

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Daily Bread: Tap into the Source

Daily Bread: Tap into the Source

Life is too difficult to just 'win it' - we must have wisdom.

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Do You Love the Lord?

Do You Love the Lord?

The Sermon of the Mount was Jesus' greatest sermon described in the Bible.

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Biblical Keys to Spiritual Growth: The Bible and Prayer

Biblical Keys to Spiritual Growth: The Bible and Prayer

The way of spirituality: forsaking 'self'; embracing Christ’s example and instruction

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