
here is the list of resources related to this subject

What is the Abundant Life Jesus Promised?

What is the Abundant Life Jesus Promised?

Health and wealth, or something better?

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The Amazing Journey of Faith

The Amazing Journey of Faith

Where do we find hope when trouble seems too much to bear?

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How To Trust God's Promises

How To Trust God's Promises

Does God keep every promise He makes?

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What Are the Basics of the Faith?

What Are the Basics of the Faith?

Does the Bible give a list of core beliefs common to all true Christians?

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The Optimistic Believer

The Optimistic Believer

The optimistic believer is a joyful combination of a deeply rooted faith that shows itself in a spirited, lighthearted approach to even the most trying circumstances.

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Are You a True Follower of Christ?

Are You a True Follower of Christ?

What can we learn from Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount to discern the true followers of Him from those who are false?

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