
here is the list of resources related to this subject

How Can We Know God?

How Can We Know God?

We believe in the things we can touch and see. We can put our feet on the floor. We can feel water on our hands. We believe in those things, but God is even more real than the things we can see and touch.

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Biblical Keys to Spiritual Growth: The Gospel

Biblical Keys to Spiritual Growth: The Gospel

The way of spirituality: forsaking 'self'; embracing Jesus

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Biblical Keys to Spiritual Growth: The Holy Spirit

Biblical Keys to Spiritual Growth: The Holy Spirit

The way of spirituality: forsaking 'self'; embracing the Spirit

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Surrendering Isn’t the Same as Giving Up

Surrendering Isn’t the Same as Giving Up

Under the care of God’s mighty hand, we release the need to know when, why and how.

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Is God Still in Control?

Is God Still in Control?

How can a loving God allow all the bad things that are happening in our world?

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God’s Love Language

God’s Love Language

What makes God feel loved?

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