
here is the list of resources related to this subject

3 Questions to Strengthen Your Marriage

3 Questions to Strengthen Your Marriage

How can you build a stronger marriage that ultimately glorifies God?

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Help!  My Partner Is Not a Believer

Help! My Partner Is Not a Believer

The Bible says the godly life of a Christian can testify to unbelieving spouses, who “will be won over [to God] by observing your pure and reverent lives” (1 Peter 3:1-2).

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Renewed Hope, Perfect Peace, Eternal Life

Renewed Hope, Perfect Peace, Eternal Life

Hope for a better world -- for true peace -- can be found only in God, not in ourselves. Human striving leads to death. Life comes from God alone.

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What Happens When We Die?

What Happens When We Die?

Rich or poor, in spite of all our efforts, everyone will die sooner or later. There are many opinions about what happens when we die. But what does God have to say about it?

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What is False Teaching?

What is False Teaching?

False teaching comes in many forms, but these teachings always deny the identity of God.

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3 Signs of a False Teacher

3 Signs of a False Teacher

The way to know a lie is to know the truth.

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