
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Do You Know the Real Truth?

Do You Know the Real Truth?

Most of us will not fall for an obvious lie, but we can be fooled by a slight twist of the truth.

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6 Pieces of Armor for Spiritual War

6 Pieces of Armor for Spiritual War

God has not left us defenseless in spiritual warfare. He has given us spiritual armor to defend ourselves from our enemy.

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3 Ways the Coming of Jesus was Foretold

3 Ways the Coming of Jesus was Foretold

There are more than 300 prophecies about Jesus (the Messiah) in the Old Testament.

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What is Christmas Really About?

What is Christmas Really About?

Jesus’ sacrifice for us is the real gift.

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You Are God’s Masterpiece

You Are God’s Masterpiece

Here are 3 things that happen when God turns you into a masterpiece.

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An Easter Gift for You

An Easter Gift for You

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the key to the Christian faith

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