
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Do You Have Life Figured Out?

Do You Have Life Figured Out?

The truth is, you don’t have it all together.

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How Can God Allow All This Pain?

How Can God Allow All This Pain?

“I never left you … I've been right here by your side.”

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How Do You Love The Lord?

How Do You Love The Lord?

How do you do it with all of your heart, soul and mind?

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How Should Christians Respond to Muslims?

How Should Christians Respond to Muslims?

Our natural reaction to persecution is anger, but Jesus calls us to love and serve our enemies.

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How To Pray For Your Government

How To Pray For Your Government

What does the Bible say about our responsibility to pray for our government?

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Notorious Women In Jesus' Family

Notorious Women In Jesus' Family

God loves to redeem sinners, he loves to produce something beautiful out of something horrible, he loves to make foreigners his children, and he loves to reconcile his enemies!

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